Journey of Self

As a member, we ask you to be curious about yourself. To discover who you really are, we guide you through a process we call the Journey of Self. 

Five assignments that you can go through at your own pace. From a community perspective, however, we aim for at least one fascination a year. 

The assignments lead to more knowledge and insight into who you really are because, as Aristotle said: ‘knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom’.

As a new member of TenClub, you will be invited for an introductory conversation. In this conversation, we would like to get to know you better, what’s on your mind at the moment? And we’ll tell you about TenClub’s philosophy. You can make an appointment with one of the community managers here (Calendly link).

The Declaration of Self is your first introduction to the other Curious. We ask you to make a short film in which you answer this key question: ‘What would it be like to be you?’. On the evening of your Declaration, we will watch your short film together. Afterwards, there will be room for curious questions and we will talk. To get you started, here is the guide that will help you.

Your Fascination arises when you explore your passions and curiosity and start to wonder about the things that move you. We invite you to explore your drives and shape your fascination. You will be helped by the Journey of Self Commission, which helps you to uncover your fascinations through a conversation from which we create the TenClub programme. The step-by-step plan to start your research can be found here.

You will be asked to write a story about something you experienced that is out of the ordinary. Something inexplicable, something paradoxical or surprising. Describe what happened and how it made you feel. The blog will be posted within the TenClub App environment. Find the details here.

You will give a short presentation on what the research on your Fascination has done to you. Reflect on your personal development or what your insight has been on the subject. In addition, talk about how you want to shape the coming year at TenClub. Think about helping others develop their fascinations, serving on one of the Committees and more. Find the details here.

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