Our Philosophy
TenClub is the manifestation of Magical Places for Extraordinary Minds driven by Curiosity, Wonderment, Fascination, Questioning, and not taking anything for Granted. A Society where all members are focused and fascinated by what being Human is, and pursue their Curiosity together to co-create and discover their Humanity. A humanistic society focused on getting to know more of ourselves, and others, together.
TenClub’s philosophy at its core wonders what will happen when people gather in beautiful spaces with a curious attitude and open perspective. While it is not per-se easy to be truly curious, TenClub seeks to inspire and facilitate the expressions of Curiosity within us all, with the aspiration that this leads to Self Realization. All of our explorations are member-driven and are associated with at least one of the seven Pillars and at least one of the nine Curricula that are central to our society’s philosophy.
The 7 Pillars
These seven pillars of human attention are key elements of the TenClub symbolism which represent the common foundations that encompass what it means to be human. They form the base of every Clusters of Fascination that we host within our society and each Cluster of Fascination can be more intellectually focused, or more sexual, or more spiritual, or a combination of all of them. Touch the symbols to find out more about each Pillar.
Body & Care
Money & Potential
Child & Learning
Relations & Emotions
Sexuality & Desire
Knowledge & Insight
Spirituality & Meaning
The 9 Curricula
We have over the years found that there are a variety of ways in which curious explorations are organized or in how our members engage in these fascinations. We call these the Curricula and we have distinguished nine different ones that encompass various methodologies and intentions set by those proposing a Cluster of Fascination. Touch the roman numerals below to find out more about each Curriculum.