2nd March 2023

Poetry Brothel ~ The Bohemians

Event details

In the series House of Poetry we present The Poetry Brothel ~ The Bohemians. This  is a unique and immersive poetry event that takes poetry outside lecture halls and places it in the lush interiors of a bordello. Based in concept on the fin-de-siecle bordellos in New Orleans and Paris, many of which functioned as safe havens for fledgling avant-garde artists, we present a cast of poets, who impart their work in public readings, spontaneous eruptions of poetry, and most distinctly, as purveyors of private, one-on-one poetry readings in back rooms. The Poetry Brothel’s is an immersive cabaret, offering a full bar, live music, dancers and fortune-tellers.

You can experience it… if you’re there… Welcome to TenClub!  Location: Nes 116, Amsterdam

Tickets for non members can be purchased for € 35,- Our Curious members get a 50% discount on all public events and free access to members-only nights.


In de serie House of Poetry presenteren we The Poetry Brothel ~ The Bohemians. Dit evenement plaatst dichters in het wulpse interieur van TenClub en presenteert hen als courtisanes van het woord. In privé-lezingen geeft elke dichter van lichte zeden zijn of haar woorden bloot in de schemerzone van gedempt licht, sofa’s en chaises longues. Intussen vermaakt een bohémien volkje van muzikanten en waarzeggers de wachtende klanten. Kortom: poëzie gedrenkt in een wellustige nacht!

U kunt het ervaren… als u erbij bent… Welkom bij TenClub! Locatie: Nes 116, Amsterdam

Tickets € 35,-  en voor Curious 50% reductie op alle openbare events en gratis toegang op curious-only avonden.


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The program

19:00 Doors open
20:00 Start program
24:00 End of program


2nd March 2023


Nes 116, Amsterdam


– 23:

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