4th January 2024

House of Bach ~ Sweet Suites

Event details

TenClub solidifies its reputation as the go to destination for unique classical music experiences with the second edition of House of Bach – Sweet Suites. On January 4th 2023, 6 cellists will perform 6 cello suites by the great Johann Sebastian Bach across 6 stylish rooms at TenClub. Experience each suite, each instrument (including the baroque cello and the piccolo cello) and each soloist to the fullest by visiting all of the rooms.


MÁTYÁS VIRAG (Baroque Cello) will play the 1st Suite

“I very vividly remember my first time playing this gorgeous Prelude at the age of thirteen: it was a deeply moving experience. It made me realise that if I would have the opportunity of making this my profession and my life, I wouldn’t want to choose anything else.”

JOSEPHINE VAN LIER (Baroque Cello) will play the 2nd Suite 

Josephine van Lier will play a cello built in 1725, in London. “My original baroque cello is strung with gut strings that are thicker and slower in response compared to modern steel strings. Playing it demands a very different technique, resulting in a more detached articulation and a broader range of colours. The convex shape of the bow further enhances the distinctive nuances in the performance.”

VICTOR GARCÍA GARCÍA (Baroque Cello) will play the 3rd suite.

Like the great Johann Sebastian Bach himself, Seville born cellist Victor García García loves to improvise whilst performing. “Playing the same piece six times during House of Bach allows me to do it differently every time. I love having the opportunity to be inspired by the moment. That way, I keep things exciting for myself as well as for my audience. I am very much looking forward to this!”

CAROLINE KANG (Baroque Cello) will play the 4th Suite 

Bach’s original handwritten cello suites went missing centuries ago. Caroline Kang strangely feels that, therefore, cellists have an advantage over violinists who still have the originals to work with: “Since we are missing the autograph manuscript of the suites I think we cellists are somehow lucky, because there is a lingering sense of mystery around the pieces. Having to piece together surviving copies leaves lots of questions, giving us the opportunity to be even more inquisitive.”

OCTAVIE DOSTALER-LALONDE (Baroque Cello) will play the 5th Suite

Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde’s repertoire ranges from the late-17th to the 20th century. She researches and uses techniques and instruments according to the time of the music she plays. Octavie has the pleasure of playing a Thomas Dodd cello from 1800 on loan from the Nationaal Muziekinstrumenten Fonds of the Netherlands, as well as her own ca.1700 baroque cello by Johann Michael Alban.

ALBERT BRÜGGEN (Piccolo Cello) will play the 6th Suite 

Albert Brüggen – the one artist playing the piccolo cello during House of Bach on January 4th – has dedicated much of his career to historical performance practice. He is the solo cellist of the Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century, an internationally renowned Dutch early music ensemble. Albert highly values the emotional component in music: “The goal should be to be touched or to have something to say. Perfection in itself is fairly boring.”

Some captivating moments from last year’s edition

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The program

Doors open: 19:00 hrs
Start program: 20:00 hrs
End of concerts: 23:30 hrs


4th January 2024


Rokin 93, Amsterdam


– 23:

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