24th February 2025

Night of the Curious – History Mystery tour

Event details

De Nights of the Curious zijn avonden van zelfexpressie, retrospectie en confrontatie, waarop leden bewust hun innerlijke wereld onderzoeken. Ze delen hun gevoelens, gedachten en verlangens met anderen in een sfeer van nieuwsgierigheid en kwetsbaarheid. Deze avonden vormen hoogtepunten binnen de TenClub programmering, want dit zijn de momenten waarop we gezamenlijk tot de kern komen van wat het is om mens te zijn.

The Nights of the Curious are evenings of self-expression, retrospection and proactive confrontation where members consciously explore their inner world. They share their feelings, thoughts and desires with others in an atmosphere of curiosity and vulnerability. These evenings are highlights within the TenClub programming, for these are the moments when we get to the core of what it is to be human.

Nights of the Curious are for members and their guests only.
Members: €0
Guests: €10

Get tickets

This is a members only event.
Please login as a member to get tickets.

This is a members only event. Please login as a member to get tickets.

The program

Deuren open 18.30

Start programma 20.00


24th February 2025


Maison des Curiosités - Nes 120


– 23:

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